Creating a Fake Conversation That Looks Real Skype App.

By clicking the 'CREATE JOKE CHAT' button, you confirm that you have thoroughly read and agree to our Terms of Use. You assure us that you will abstain from using our service for any illegal activities. Furthermore, you acknowledge and accept that all responsibilities for the content generated through our service solely rest with you.

Prank.ChatI am ready to FUN
Prank.ChatI am ready to FUN

How to Create Fake Skype Conversations?

Skype, one of the pioneering messaging services, started as a computer application and eventually transitioned to mobile devices with the advent of smartphones. Skype is still widely used in the business sector for professional communication. But what if you want to create a funny fake chat screenshot in the style of Skype? It’s simple! You can use our online service to create fake Skype messages. Follow these three easy steps to craft your joke:

  1. Add Messages;
  2. Customize the Chat Interface;
  3. Export the Fake Screenshot in PNG Format.

First Message

The chat editor simulates the Skype application on a mobile device. To create your first message, click the PLUS button at the bottom of the editor and select the message type. You can add messages from yourself and a virtual opponent. Messages can be text or images, allowing you to make the dialogue more lively. You also have the option to add a date separator between messages. This separator helps to show the duration of the dialogue and can be used according to your joke's scenario. All text and graphic elements you add can be deleted by clicking the cross button next to the element. To edit the text, click on the message and modify the text in the pop-up form.

Emulator Interface and Chat Customization

We have created a visual emulator for iOS and Android smartphones. You can choose the operating system skin by clicking the selector above the editor (Apple and Android icons). If your joke occurs in the evening, you can select the dark theme, and the emulator screen will switch to dark mode.

Fake Skype iOS
Fake Skype iOS Skin. Light & Dark Mode
Fake Skype Android
Fake Skype Android Skin. Light & Dark Mode

Besides global skin settings, you can change visual elements of the operating system, including:

  • Wi-Fi status;
  • Mobile signal status;
  • Battery charge status;
  • Current time.

In addition to OS settings, you can change information about your virtual opponent. You can upload a new avatar and change the nickname of the second character. All these manipulations can be done with a single click by selecting and editing the element.

Export the Result

If you are satisfied with the result of your joke, you can download the image in PNG format to your device. The image replicates the interface of the actual Skype application.

Now, you can share your new jokes or prank your friends on social networks. If your joke is noteworthy, we will add it to our gallery of the best jokes.

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Denys Sokolov
Hi Everyone. I'm Denys Sokolov am owner of Logic.Cool, a developer of Joke Chat Maker project and other online applications and mobile games. Please write me with any suggestions for improving the project.